Top 3 Anti-Poaching Technologies of 2018

Top 3 Anti-Poaching Technologies of 2018

Poaching is a cruel practice that has been threatening wildlife for decades. The poaching industry is fueled by the demand for animal parts, which are often used in traditional medicine or sold as trophies. In recent years, anti-poaching efforts have intensified, and innovative technologies have been developed to combat this illegal activity. In this article, we will explore the top 3 anti-poaching technologies of 2018.


  1. Introduction
  2. GPS trackers developed by the Sigfox Foundation
  3. 3D printing decoy sea turtle eggs by PasoPacifico
  4. Identifying poachers fingerprints on pangolin scales

GPS Trackers Developed by the Sigfox Foundation

One of the most promising anti-poaching technologies of 2018 was developed by the Sigfox Foundation in South Africa. They developed GPS trackers that are small enough to be embedded in rhino horns. These trackers can transmit data in real-time, enabling rangers to track the location of the rhino and intervene if they detect suspicious activity.

The Sigfox Foundation’s GPS trackers have several advantages over other anti-poaching technologies. They are non-invasive, meaning they do not harm the animal. They are also difficult to detect, making it challenging for poachers to locate and remove them. Additionally, the trackers are designed to be durable and long-lasting, allowing them to continue transmitting data even in harsh environments.

3D Printing Decoy Sea Turtle Eggs by PasoPacifico

PasoPacifico is a non-profit organization that is using 3D printing technology to combat poaching in Costa Rica. They have created decoy sea turtle eggs that are equipped with GPS trackers. These eggs are designed to mimic real sea turtle eggs, which are a popular target for poachers.

The decoy eggs are placed in nests along the beach, and when they are moved, the GPS trackers send an alert to rangers. This allows them to intercept poachers before they can make off with the real eggs.

The use of decoy eggs has several advantages over traditional anti-poaching methods. They are cost-effective, and unlike real eggs, they do not require constant monitoring. Additionally, they are easy to transport and can be deployed in remote areas.

Identifying Poachers Fingerprints on Pangolin Scales

Pangolins are one of the most heavily trafficked animals in the world, and their scales are in high demand for use in traditional medicine. To combat this illegal trade, researchers in the UK are using crime scene methods to identify poachers‘ fingerprints on pangolin scales.

This technique involves using specialized software to enhance fingerprints that are left on the scales. By analyzing the unique patterns in the fingerprints, researchers can identify individual poachers and track their movements.

Identifying poachers‘ fingerprints on pangolin scales has several advantages over traditional anti-poaching methods. It allows authorities to identify and apprehend individual poachers, rather than just confiscating illegal goods. Additionally, it provides valuable information about the supply chain, which can help authorities target the sources of the illegal trade.